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Address: 16th Floor ,ZanYu Building, NO.702, GuDun Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou City

Tel: +86 571 8659 1296   

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Product Description T2925 is an organic water-soluble corrosion inhibitor, especially for non-ferrous metals, such as copper and copper alloys.
Physicochemical Properties
Appearance PH Density Active content Solubility
Yellow-green to yellow-brown clear liquid 7-8 1.2 60% Soluble in water
Packaging Specifications (or according to customer's request for packing)
Drum(V) Bag(kg) Pallet(kg) 20'FCL(kg)
25L 25 25 12000
200L 200 800 16000
1000L 1000 1000 20000
Application ● Can be used in all types of water-based coating systems, especially water-based metal coating
● As an anti-flash rust corrosion inhibitor for welding seam, especially submerged arc welding; more effective if together with T2733
Advantages ● Good flash rust corrosion inhibitor for non-ferrous metals, such as copper, zinc and aluminum
● No heavy metals, no nitrite
● Good compatibility, can be used directly
Shelf Life 3 years (under airtight, dry and cool conditions)
Transportation This product is non-burning and non-burst, low toxicity, non-dangerous chemical.
Recommended Treat Level 0.3-3%

Address: 16th Floor ,ZanYu Building, NO.702, GuDun Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou City

Tel: +86 571 8659 1296 

E-mail: info@lvpu-chem.com

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