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Address: 16th Floor ,ZanYu Building, NO.702, GuDun Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou City

Tel: +86 571 8659 1296   

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Product Description T2733 is an organic water-soluble corrosion inhibitor, especially for ferrous metals, such as steel and cast iron.
Physicochemical Properties
Appearance PH Density Active content Solubility
Light yellow to brown clear liquid 8-9 1.15 50% Soluble in water
Packaging Specifications (or according to customer's request for packing)
Drum(V) Bag(kg) Pallet(kg) 20'FCL(kg)
25L 25 25 12000
200L 200 800 16000
1000L 1000 1000 20000
Application Can be used in all types of water-based coating systems, especially water-based metal coating
Advantages ● Excellent corrosion inhibitor for ferrous metals, such as steel, cast iron, iron and iron alloys
● No nitrites
● VOC free
● Compatible with hard water
● Good compatibility, can be used directly
Shelf Life 3 years (under airtight, dry and cool conditions)
Transportation This product is non-burning and non-burst, low toxicity, non-dangerous chemical.
Recommended Treat Level 0.3-3%

Address: 16th Floor ,ZanYu Building, NO.702, GuDun Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou City

Tel: +86 571 8659 1296 

E-mail: info@lvpu-chem.com

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