Welcome to Hangzhou Lvpu Technology Co., Ltd.(Hangzhou Lvpu-chem New Material Co., Ltd.) !
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About Us

Established in 2005, Hangzhou Lvpu Technology Co., Ltd.(Hangzhou Lvpu-chem New Material  Co., Ltd.) is located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province in China. We are a holding subsidiary of Zanyu Technology Group (Stock code: 002637).

Lvpu-Chem has been devoted to R&D, production, application and sales of safe, green, high-efficiency fine chemicals.

After 17 years of development, Lvpu-Chem has become the world's leading manufacturer of corrosion inhibitors with several production bases in China.  We can provide our customers with high-quality products continuously with stable performance.  Now Lvpu-Chem is serving many well-known companies in this field around the world.  We also provide other related products.

In the future, Lvpu-Chem will create more value for our customers with high-quality products, reasonable prices and professional services, and win the future with our customers together.

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Address: 16th Floor ,ZanYu Building, NO.702, GuDun Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou City

Tel: +86 571 8659 1296 

E-mail: info@lvpu-chem.com

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